Professional services offer exciting careers for women. But what challenges do female consultants, auditors, lawyers or investment bankers face compared to their male colleagues? What can career paths for women look like, from entry to partner? And what makes women from these fields particularly suitable for supervisory board mandates?
We discuss the opportunities, obstacles and strategies for women's careers in #ProfessionalServices with an international panel of experts at #FidARonWebinar. With
The panel will be moderated by Ingrid Maass, FidAR Member, Consultant and Board Member for Professional Service Firms. Silke Robeller, Regional Director FidAR South, will be our host.
23. February 2022
On February 23, 2022, we were panelists on the topic "Are you prepared for the new reality?" at the FidAR Frauen in die Aufsichtsräte e.V. - Lunch Session.
21. November 2019
Panel discussions are, after all, most fun when they are lively and somewhat controversial. Last Wednesday, Ingrid Maaß joined in the discussion on the questions of whether family businesses are resistant to consulting and whether important impulses are missing if external consulting is not used from time to time.
16. October 2019
Peter F. Drucker has been described as "the founder of modern management". The Global Peter Drucker Forum takes place in Vienna each year and follows the thoughts of Peter F. Drucker into the presence.
The motto of the Global Peter Drucker Forum in 2019 “THE POWER OF ECOSYSTEMS. Managing In A Networked World”.
Our contribution to the GPDF blog aggregates our thoughts on the management of Modern Companies: „What makes a modern company in the age of ecosystems?“
30. September 2019
On September 30, 2019, Kerstin & Ingrid participated in "Media Startup Night Vol. 4"
04. September 2019
While in a previous post we discussed the what and why of a modern (professional services: consulting, creative, advising, engineering, brokering, etc.) company, today we start looking at different aspects that can and should be considered for becoming or staying modern.
27. August 2019
The other day a potential client said to me: “We strive to be a modern firm.” I was surprised. Modern seems such an outdated expression and so I Iooked it up in the dictionary.
Modern means: Involving recent techniques, methods, or ideas.
The questions of course are: What can modern mean in a corporate context? And: why is it good to be modern?